Our thoughts

Trust, Results, and Adaptability: The DNA of High-Performing Teams

High-performing teams are the secret sauce behind innovation, growth, and long-term success. However, building one is far from simple. So, where should you begin? Ever noticed how some teams just click? They collaborate effortlessly, move projects forward, and genuinely seem…

Creating a Coaching Culture

In today’s rapidly changing higher education sector, fostering a coaching culture is pivotalfor institutions aiming to empower employees and drive sustainable change. At Agar wesupport leaders and their teams to embed coaching principles into their fabric, helping tounlock their team’s…

The Importance of Motivation and the Power of Motivational Maps®

Motivation is the driving force behind human action. It fuels our desire to achieve goals, overcome challenges, and pursue personal and professional growth. Without motivation, even the most talented individuals can falter, while motivated individuals often find creative ways to…

Maximising Success: 5 Strategies for Neurodivergent Leaders

Neurodivergent leaders find themselves at a challenging crossroads. Despite their apparent success, they can feel they have more to offer and that their current performance doesn’t fully reflect their potential. Working harder isn’t the answer—they may already be at a…

Resilience and Organisational Culture

How conducive is your organisational culture to facilitating resilience in your employees?Sustained organisational performance requires individuals to have recovery periods. Without recovery periods people burn out. That applies to everyone, even you! How accommodating is your organisation to supporting people…

Why choose life coaching for your wellbeing strategy?

What is life coaching? A question I am often asked by organisations and clients. In the first instance it could be argued that it is easier to explain what it is not. Starting with this explanation can go some way…

Coaching – Leading into the Future

When thinking about what to expect from coaching it is important to understand what coaching actually is, how it differs from mentoring and what coaching can do to assist the individual to address those areas that are of concern or…

Supporting Neurodiverse Employees During Covid-19

Reputable employers want to support their employees and understand that equality is a human right. Many also recognise the economic benefits of inclusion: many research studies make the link to innovation, performance and job commitment. And of course, all employers…

Feeling Safe in Uncertain Times

What makes us feel safe in uncertain times… and how might our Insights colour preferences influence this? ‘We all know that times are strange; Coronavirus is changing everything that is familiar to us’ – Insights Thought Leadership March 2020 Our…

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